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Friday, August 25, 2006

Edinburgh 1: Bloggers. Edinburgh Ground Zero: Friday

Nice Kate, knowing my fondness for blogging, and her fondess for upstaging my blog, booked a play called Blogger Diaries. This was quite a neat idea - five cast members playing ten parts, and delivering them as juxtaposed monologues. Interestingly, the blogs themselves were genuine. So cheating a bit, from a playwright point of view, but a nice idea, and pretty well executed. We had a bloke whose girlfriend left him, a nymphomaniac schoolteacher, a girl whose mother was an alcoholic, a chav dopehead, an agorophobic sex-chat line worker who was actually a virgin - and many more (well, five more). It was good. But unfortunately set the bar far too high for Nice Kate's later choices of a) Morrissey dancers and b) clowns.

Friday evening, Nice Kate was out on a work do, and so I met up with my friend James. I'd had a difficult day at work, the weather was rubbish and I was in a foul mood. Still, as James was a performer, we had a drink in the bar at the Assembly Rooms, and I found myself in the company of Paul Merton and two of the Goodies, so that made me feel a bit more chipper. Admittedly, I wouldn't have known who the Goodies were had James not elbowed me and told me, but that's not really the point.

A bit later on we went to see Deirdre O'Kane. She pronounces her name "Deer-druh", when everyone knows it should be pronounced "Deer-dree". Fool. Someone should have told her. The comedy was OK - gentle and aimiable enough but nothing that new or special.

Still, we had good tapas later, and chatted about Karen Carpenter. What more do you need?

Back to the present from tomorrow! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Blimey Laura, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden are comedy Gods! Have you not heard I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue?

Laura said...

I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Radio.

(Well, one in the bathroom so I can take a shower with Mr Wogan each morning.)

And yes, I know I can get radio through my TV, but it always seems really wasteful to put the TV on just to listen to the radio.

Philosophical question for a Sunday: can an athiest have a Comedy God?